October 31, 2001 

According to Emode I'm a Lethal Weapon.

[edited highlights]

You're smart, slick, and fast... You love loud, obnoxious parties... You hate routine and boring, predictable people. You get cabin fever if you're cooped up too long. But you adapt to new situations easily...
You're open-minded, enthusiastic, and popular... They buy you drinks and give you nicknames. But at home, late at night, you secretly question your self-worth, wondering if you're really all you're cracked up to be. Then you go to bed.

You hate seeing the same old faces at work day after day... You're a great leader among them, motivated and serious, and you always jump at the chance to take on a new project. Innovation and abstract thinking are your strengths. But sometimes you'd rather just work on an independent project so you can do your stuff without having to deal with people.

Hmmm. Okay, you guys know me. What do you think?


This needs flash and over a dial-up takes a while to load, but for me it's worth it. Maybe I'm sad...


This doesn't really work for me - I thought bubbles went bang not a kind of electronic 'pow'. Still, if it takes your tension away, go for it!


Apparantly we will be spending New Year (or Hogmanay!) here. Excellent!

October 30, 2001 

According to emode I'm an Irish Setter who should be wearing easy going flip flops and listening to Walking on Sunshine. Well, Walking on Sunshine is one of my all time favourites, so one out of three ain't bad.


What? Link from weirdlinks. Certainly living up to it's name.


Today's website of the day: Really bad country song titles, including such gems as I Gave Her My Heart And A Diamond And She Clubbed Me With A Spade and My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink, And I Don't Love Jesus. What's your favourite?


I remember being a student. And I know that I was very lucky with my landlord, having double glazing, a power shower, all gas appliances disconnected and the gas turned off, and only a minimal number of slugs. I never felt the need to press the government for a registration system for landlords. Presumably others do. I may be going mad (because I can't find reference to it on Auntie, but I'm sure that Glasgow students now have a registration system for landlords, and minimum standards, and I'm sure that they're now complaining that it's too expensive to rent a house there.

The grass is always greener, isn't it?


So, no surprises here then. Except that it took them so long to find out.

October 29, 2001 

An interesting weekend - Saturday morning was spent frantically tidying up the flat in anticipation of my parents coming to visit. This isn't normally a huge chore, but paj had last week dismantled the living room to get to the window to strip and paint it. So by 4pm when my parents called from Dover, we were just about finished... We took both sets of parents out for dinner, a slightly nerve racking experience as they'd never met before. Signs of nervousness were there in everyone - including my Dad, who carried his smart black shoes round a walking holiday in France just so he could wear them on Saturday night. Still, it all seemed to go okay, and nobody ran away, so fingers crossed for the rest of our lives...

Sunday saw us driving up to Silverstone to watch paj undertake the long awaited 'drive an elise around silverstone' experience. I have little to say - check his blog for more - as watching a yellow car drive very fast around a track leaves little to be said.

Still, as the weekend was rounded off nicely by dinner with Mr Bean there are no complaints at all from this quarter. I'm only sorry to be back at work!


Normal service is resumed.

October 26, 2001 

Why would I want to? Maybe I'm just not of the right mind to be reading things like that.


I didn't even need to read this article before I was laughing. The picture reminds me of the matrix, and if you hover your mouse over it, the quote comes up "babies". Aaah, the BBC. Never failing in it's accuracy.

By the way, should I ever have babies, if a caesarian is the way that I get the most drugs, then I say an emphatic yes to it.

October 25, 2001 

aha. It seems that reblogger is now working again. Hooray.


I heard on the radio this morning that Triumph have carried out a survey of breast sizes in Europe and British women buy more D, E and F cups than any other country, leading them to believe that British women have larger breasts (or stuff their bras with socks...). Sadly, I can't find a link to this anywhere on the web. Still, as RM would say... "we do like big tits"!

October 24, 2001 

hmmm. Reblogger seems not to be working. Mail me instead if you feel the need. Or not. Whatever...


I seem to swing between the bizarre and the ridiculous, the serious and the fun. Well this is definitely serious (thanks JD). Sadly, it's not ridiculous. And it's not new. So why do we only notice it now that America's been bombed? Why do America and Britain not help these people rather than bomb the hell out of them and cause yet more misery?

Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate.
Albert Schweitzer

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.


And following on from that, I'm 43% goth. Which apparantly means there's a good chance I'm bi. Just don't tell paj


Thanks to SW for this. It's something that's been bothering me since I got this blog. Apparantly I'm 18% geek.


Question of the day: Why is it that spiders insist on spinning their web lines across my pathway at mouth level?


I hardly dare blog this incase it all disappears into a puff of air. It just seems too good to be true. I know there are cynical reasons why it's happened now, and I know that all that glitters is not gold, but it's still a Good Thing. I daren't say anymore, as I say, incase by talking about it I make it go away.


No, not quite. Two nil to the mighty reds, two nil to the mighty reds, two nil to the mighty reds....

Okay, that's it. Done now. *grin*


How could I forget to mention this? One in the eye for the third north-eastern team. *sounds of demonic laughter to a background of football crowds cheering* Right. Gloat over.


Gaekwad has now been removed from my links pages. A sad end.


I don't believe it. The labour government proposing something sensible? Quick, slap me with a halibut, I must be dreaming.

October 23, 2001 

Reblogger installed, so apologies to all who's comments I've ditched along with Blogback. And what's more, it seems to be working. This programming malarkey is proving to get easier!


Right. Two things. Thanks to paj there is now a personal thribble quiz at QuizYourFriends.com. However, I can't link to it, so you'll have to mail me, and I'll send you your own personalised link.

Which brings me onto number two. Blogback is going. I can't be bothered with something that doesn't tell me when someone comments. Go. Begone. New comments method is under debate. Reblogger or commentage box (tm)?

October 22, 2001 

A good weekend, I think. I managed not to get seasick by sleeping through both ferry crossings (helped by a small amount of alcohol!). Despite the coach drivers not being the best and failing to get us to the hypermarket, we managed to stock up on a fair amount of booze and fags-for-friends. I saw a load of people I haven't seen since I graduated, some of whom have actually managed to grow up a bit. And Caen is a lovely city, particularly when the sun comes out. So all in all, not bad. Particular thanks to Liam for organising it (and congratulations then on being the one who forgot his passport). Hopefully the webpage will follow soon?

October 19, 2001 

Okay, sj, your mum might be better than my mum, but your mum will soon be my mum too!


Congratulations Our Ma. And well done johnsey for getting her there!


Poem from my mum:

    The chocolate machine

    Money in
    Chocolate out
    Chocolate in
    Tummy out
    Weight up
    Feeling down
    Zip not up
    Thoughtful frown

    Bicycle out
    Tummy in
    Chocolate out
    Salad in
    Calories down
    Zip up
    Weight down
    Feelings up


So, it's 10pm. I'm at my computer, and I'm working. This can't be good. It could have something to do with getting a 40 tonne crane stuck in the mud and having to abandon the work I should have been doing. Yey!

October 18, 2001 

This morning it took me 4 hours to make a cup of hot blackcurrant. Not because I was boiling the water using only a single match. Because I kept boiling the kettle and forgetting about it, prompting me to reboil the kettle and, yes, you've guessed it, forget about it. Does anyone else have this problem!?


Would this annoy you?

A week ago I sent out a document to many people. Today I got a question back on it. Not annoying yet, but wait… One of the people I'd sent the document to had forwarded it on to a couple of others. One of them had gone back to him with a question. Instead of asking me that question, he then forwarded it to four of the people on the original list. Luckily one of them has had the intelligence to email me the question, and I can answer it. Sadly this has taken a week. One phone call and it could have been done in a day.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm so far out of the loop that the only reason I can see it is because I'm looking at it from the other side. Bridget Jones has a word for this behaviour, but I can't repeat it here as this website is only graded PG!


Just found this. Thanks :-)


The mysterious pipster says that wimble's mum must be cooler due to the content of the webpage. Hmmm. Cross stitch and crochet vs. guiding. Any comments?


I've been following this story for a while now, and I'm disappointed in the result. I know this goes against a lot of people, but I agree with euthanasia. In the circumstances I know I would want to die with dignity and leave my family only good memories of me, not of years spent struggling to cope with me as a burden. Maybe this is selfish, and if it is, I apologise. I heard a quote from a woman with spinabifida on the radio, and she said that if Diane Pretty was undigified in life then so was she, and should she be put out of her misery too? I think the difference is that she was in full control of her actions and voice. Mrs Pretty can bearly talk and has very little quality of life. Surely if we allow the choice of abortion we should allow the choice of euthanasia too?

The dutch system (from the Voluntary Euthanasia Society) sets out 10 strict guidlines (here) and this works. Why would it not therefore work here?


This is very interesting (courtesy of gelwan.com). It's good to know that somebody's actually thinking things through - and that goes for both links.


I want to read this.

October 17, 2001 

In the ongoing saga of who's mum is best, I now discover that my mum also has a webpage. It's not a blog, but she does design it and upload it herself!


Commiserations to JD, who only scored 20 in the stress test. Look on the bright side. When Cyril arrives, you'll probably score more than paj and I put together ;-)


Thanks to SW for this. Apparantly I'm the Emperor.


The latest blunder in the war. I don't know what to say, so I'll keep quiet and pray.


Following on from paj's score on the stress test, is it bad if I get 53?

October 16, 2001 

Good grief! I've just been blog hopping and this is not good for my hangover at all. Stop it!


Over 25's amusing tune of the day - Limp Bizkit's cover of Faith. If you can get hold of a copy, listen to it. Go on. What are you waiting for? It's worth it.


uuuurgh. Will someone please remind me that driving 350 miles in a day then drinking lots and only getting 5 hours sleep is not a Good Thing next time I agree to it. This morning I will be mostly groaning. Don't expect much intelligence.

What's that? You weren't anyway? Shame on you.

October 15, 2001 

Just installed blogback. Click on the comment link and, erm, comment, if you feel the need. There's no counter on it though, which is a shame. Trial period commences today!


Entering into the 'my mum's better than your mum' debate. My mum doesn't have a blog, but she does teach internet classes. Does that count?!


Thanks for the link, mr wimble. Just one thing you should know. I'm female. So it's madam, not sir!


A good weekend. And for all those wishing to see the shiny sparkly thing, here you are. Apologies for the quality of the photo. No David Bailey, me!

it's sparkly... it's shiny...

Thanks to all for the weekend - the SAS for making me drink more than usual, paj's folks for the pressies and dinner, to MP for being his usual wonderful self, to CnJD for the wonderful pressie, and last (but not least) to JC for the flowers. I think that's everyone!

Oh, and the hangover wasn't too bad. Honest.

October 13, 2001 

Want to be a Jedi? You can.


Hmmm. Thanks to JD.




I guess my blog has completed its purpose. As of this afternoon the web pages I was using this as an 'HTML practise area' for have been published on the company intranet. Hoorah!

October 12, 2001 

From the NVW:

  War to stop terrorism is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline.
  If god created us, who are we to undo his work?
  Hate is easy. Love takes courage.


As ever, I am astounded by my employers. My job, as you may have gathered, is not office based. Therefore, I am privileged to have been given a lap top (after a lot of persuasion - another story entirely). The lap top in question, an IBM Brick, has been nothing but trouble, from minor 'modem not working' problems to a problem so serious that even after reformatting the hard drive and reinstalling windows, the computer was unusable. For the past three days it has been emitting a high pitched squeeling whenever the power cable is plugged in, and refusing to charge the battery so I can't take the power cable out. I called our IT support this afternoon, and have been told to remove the battery and run it straight off the mains. I am now in silent running mode again. Surely I should not have to resort to this? Everyone has problems with these laptops, and there aren't enough to go round. Would it be too much to buy some new ones?!


Following on from that, I was particularly tickled by the concept of "Find A Laureate".


A more worthy winner of the Nobel Peace Prize than some I have heard mentioned.




Imagine this. It's your birthday. You've just come back from a long weekend. Some guys turn up on site 'just for a visit'. The visit turns into an audit. It goes passably well, you think. You go out for dinner and your boyfriend proposes.

Next day... A two page long email arrives at your desk with a huge list of problems. All kind of brown stuff hits the fan. And all you want to do is stand in the middle of the site and scream, loudly, "But I just got engaged. You can't do this to me". This was me, yesterday. In the midst of all the lovely messages and phone calls (thanks, by the way!) I was in trouble.

It hasn't got any better today. More emails are flying. My abilities are being questioned. Whether I should be here is being questioned. And I'm struggling to keep up with it. I'm not quite sure how it happened. So if I'm occasionally not as excited as I should be, I'm sorry. I'm just about keeping my head above water and my mind on an even keel. But it's hard work. Very hard work indeed.

October 10, 2001 

happy, happier, happiest

For those of you who know us well, I doubt this will come as any surprise. It certainly didn't to my parents. paj proposed last night, and we're getting married. That's all I know - no dates etc are planned. But expect further updates :-)

October 09, 2001 

So the brits can win something.


Good dilbert.


Where to start? I hate rude awakenings, and this morning was no exception. After a lovely weekend in Dublin (or, more accurately, Howth) we got back last night about 9:30. My alarm clock went off this morning at 6:00, and half an hour later I was on the road back over to work. 45 minutes after that, about half way to work, I realised I'd left my laptop at home. And today there will be no email for me (as that's the only thing I use it for - another story entirely, ask me some other time!). So if you're expecting a reply to one... sorry. Hopefully normal service will be resumed tomorrow.

The weekend, as I said, was lovely. Despite the slightly scary moment of meeting paj's aunt, uncle and various cousins I had a fun time. Highlights included Glendalough and the inevitable pilgrimage to the Guinness Brewery. The only dark spot was the decision by certain people to start throwing explosives at other people. But I'm not sure I want to talk about that at the moment. It's my birthday and for one day only I want not to worry. Indulge me.

October 05, 2001 

On a lighter note, I am home. I have to go into the office tomorrow morning, and then I am free for a long weekend. Hooray.


I'm going to apologise for this in advance - two serious posts in one day - but it needs to be said.

I was driving home today and listening to the news. In the same bulletin was the story about Michael Stone being convicted for the murders of Lin and Megan Russell and the attempted murder of Josie, and the updates on the 'war on terror'. A contrast struck me. It has taken two trials for Mr Stone to be convicted. Even after those two trials, he will live, albeit for three life sentences in prison. Osama bin Laden has not had one trial. The evidence against him is as shaky as that against Mr Stone. Does anyone in Britain, then, have the right to condemn him to death? Certainly not without a trial, certainly not one man, and certainly not with the likely fallout of civilian casualties.

October 04, 2001 

So Tony Blair has finally made the evidence public. I heard this on the radio, and checked auntie's news pages. I can't find the evidence, so it's not that public. And tucked away in the above article is this paragraph:

The evidence made public later said that only Osama Bin Laden and the al-Qaeda network had the motive and the capability to have launched such an attack which, the document says, must have been approved by Bin Laden himself.

So basically what the papers had presumed already. Tony, Tony, Tony. It looks like you've been sucked into this totally. I refuse to condone your war until I see some real evidence.


It's only taken me the best part of two hours but I've managed to change my blog template. And make it consistent with itself and with its archives. Now I know to many of you this may sound like the work of but a click of your fingers. But here at thribble towers the last programming that happened was when my Dad had a BBC B+ (remember them?) and I wrote small programmes in BBC Basic. When that went in the bin (and sadly, chuckie egg, frogger and granny's garden with it) I stopped programming.

A note here for those of you who think I had to pass a programming module at university. I took it, and passed. Someone else did it for me, because I couldn't even get the computer to write a 'hello, my name is...' programme. I can't even remember what language we used.

So, in short, I'm chuffed. And you can send chufty badges here please.


What is it with Imood? Today's recommended book is out of print!


Is it just me that thinks that now is probably the safest time to fly? I think so. With all the extra security checks I feel more confident going on holiday this weekend than ever. And I'm looking forward to it lots.

October 03, 2001 

Wow! This came via a department-wide email from my boss.


All the excitement lead me to forget to mention one of the best films I've seen in a while. Pay it Forward actually made me want to get up and go and do just that. Highly recommended.


I've almost survived a day of answering the most difficult questions I've had. And the final one of the day? "Would you like a cup of tea?" Sometimes I'm astounded by the small kindnesses shown. Or maybe I appreciate them more when they come just at the point of me hitting someone with a bit of 2 by 4.



October 02, 2001 

A somewhat pants day at work yesterday. All going swimmingly until the contractor hit a HV cable and wiped half of Winchester of the electricity supply map. Now that would be irritating, but they managed to hit the same cable that was replaced after they did it two months ago. So we spent half the night in the rain trying to keep an aging generator going while the electric men fixed it. And when I dragged myself out of bed this morning, the most I have to look forward to is sorting out my paperwork for the investigation. Aaah, the joys of site work. But, incase you need to know, the gingerbread men worked. So it's not all bad!