Drivers Licence
In answer to a query, no I haven't re-sat my driving test (hallelujah, for I don't think I'd pass!). I turned up for my pre-booked appointment, handed over my passport and UK drivers licence. They punched a hole in my UK one, took my money, took my photo, and handed back a brand new VIC licence. I should add that my photo on my UK one is awesome. The photo on this new one looks like a criminal, or at the very least trailer trash, and I certainly wouldn't let me drive! However, I can't imagine that the DVLA are that efficient - all in it took 15 minutes (an hour each way to get to the office, but that's not important right now!). I'm willing to stand corrected though, if anyone has a good experience with the DVLA.
And now I'm off to get showered and changed and go to work. This morning I'm being audited for our ISO9001 renewal. Goodie!
congrats on your aussie licence!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:58 am