Today is a good day. Well, tonight is a good evening, anyway. Mrs Slocombe appears to be masquerading as the queen, I'm sat here with a Southern Comfort, and the quiz show I flicked through on the way to Are You Being Served? contained a category entirely dedicated to prescription medicines. Welcome to America, Ladies and Gentlemen, where I spent 30 minutes today trying to convince someone that England, and indeed the United Kingdom, had not yet adopted the Euro. I was unsuccessful, and ended up agreeing that yes, things had gone up since the change, and yes, it was a huge decision to make. You'd think he was 80 from that, wouldn't you, but no, merley incapable of believing that England still had the pound for some reason.
Other than that, I have mainly spent today trying not to scratch my mozzy bites, and failing, with the result that one is now nearly 4 inches in diameter. Catch me setting foot in the Everglades again. I don't think so!
Tonights viewing is either Biker Boyz or Salem's Lot or Bridget Jones. I've just read the IMDB review of Biker Boyz and that pretty much leaves Salem's Lot or Bridget Jones. I'm off to find out which it will be, and to contemplate whether having Bill introduce himself as my server tonight was a good or bad thing. On the whole, he was very nice - we chatted about my book (Bill Bryson's Notes from a Small Island) and he brought me the right dishes. On the other hand, when he took my money, he actually asked me if I wanted change. As it happened, I didn't, but I still feel he was a little presumptious. Salem's Lot, I think. Right, I'm off to scratch....