So have you done nothing this week? - JimApparantly not, so I'm going to let you guys fill in the entry today.
Bye Gonzo *sniff*Indeed, gone and sadly missed. But Susie is an admirable replacement.
I'm not, or trying not to. This could be influencing my lack of blogging. The other thing possibly interrupting normal service is my attempts to write a web page, which are progressing slowly, to say the least!<tv show="Fawlty Towers">Don't mention the war!</tv>
Concerning your 1/4/03 posting about the stop sign, I feel the University of Manitoba says it all (knowing one of its graduates as I do). The bloke was probably stunned by another vehicle being on the road!Not a populous area then?!
See what you mean about your photo on the old BUSAG page!! Mua-ha-ha indeed! :-) Hope you're feeling better - Mad xxxMuch better, and I'm not linking to that photo. I'll leave it as a challenge for my reader.