I've decided to look into getting a personal trainer (you can all stop laughing now!). Basically, I don't want to go back into a gym - one of the things I enjoy about being in Australia is the opportunity to be outside more. So this morning at 6am I found myself talking to a guy about my fitness and health. We talked about my goals and why I wanted to do this - I'd said on the internet questionnaire that I wanted to get rid of some of the depression. When he asked what I meant I told him that I was fed up of worrying what to wear in the morning.
Next came a lesson in how to put things in perspective. He told me he'd used exercise to battle the depression that came following his 10 years in the US military, 2 tours of Iraq, 1 year unable to walk and being told he'd never walk again, and the death of most of his comrades. Somehow my wardrobe isn't seeming like such a big deal...
However, I'm not sure what he's offering is right for me (a 6 week intensive thing, rather than an ongoing commitment), plus, to be honest, I find him a little bit scary. As paj put it, "I came out of the bedroom this morning and thought Mr. Motivator was in the house." Not that that in itself is a problem. I just don't know if it's the way I want to go with this, so watch this space...
Labels: fitness PT clothes