My mp3 player arrived. I've put some albums onto it, and paj has worked out how to record his voice saying "Hello There" onto it. So that should keep me going at the gym tomorrow morning!
I've had a long weekend. I seem to have been on the go for a lot longer than just a couple of days. From Friday night's screaming baby, to Saturday's wedding (and therefore Sunday's hangover) along with a trip to Beachy Head, one to Hove and one to Memory Lane. Today we've managed to overload the only open charity shop in Crawley with our stuff. If you want any of the following, I recommend the Scope shop:
Friends videosAnd if you want garden waste, I recommend the tip!
Other videos to numberous to mention
A slightly rickety Ikea wine rack
A very small CD rack
A dodgy old CD rack
Now I'm off to play some more with my mp3 player and psyche myself up for a 3 day week. The hardship!