Screaming on your webpage seems to infinitely increase your communications! But first up...
Eating all the time is good, otherwise you'd die. At least, that's my excuse...!! love mad xxxI'm still eating. Must stop buying mars bars. May start smoking - I hear that cuts your appetite down. Is it something to do with the smell making you feel ill?
Would your St George hat from the jubilee street party not perform the same? Our MaTwo questions, one answer. We hope to go to Oz next easter, so the wonderful plastic creation from the street party would probably melt on my head! An attractive look, no doubt.
Where ya going next easter then?! - JD
What's up? Keep smiling, even if murderous thoughts are filling your head :-) love mad xxxNo, not the dentist. Something quite a lot worse. Having your back stabbed and your feet ripped out from under you at work. After a weekend I think I may be able to remove one, maybe two As from last Thursday's post. Still, life goes on, doesn't it. And everything is put into perspective when something worse happens, even if it doesn't help sort out the initial problem.
AAAAAAAAAAAAARGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To you too! ;-)
Why would you want to say that? Are you at the dentist?! - JD
Yes you can - and I'll join you: AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHH!